Portland Village School invites you to our Journey Through the Grades Open House, Saturday, March 1st, 10:00am to noon. All of our classrooms (K-8) will be available to visit, including our Movement, Spanish, Music, and Handwork programs. Have questions? Administrators, teachers, staff, and current families will be available to share their knowledge and experience. We are looking forward to presenting to you the numerous ways public, tuition-free, Waldorf education can benefit your child.
A special kindergarten Q&A is scheduled at 11:00am.
PVS has limited on-campus parking. Please feel free to park in any open space on our property. We want to be good neighbors and respect property boundaries. If you are unable to find parking on campus, we recommend Riverside Centre, a payment parking lot at 5100 S Macadam Ave, south of PVS. Please be mindful that you will need to be sure to purchase time enough for your visit to avoid receiving a ticket.
Thank you for your interest in Portland Village School!
4650 S Macadam Ave
Portland, OR